amanzi marble and granite

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(336) 993-9998
703 Park Lawn Ct.
Kernersville, NC 27284
Mon–Fri: 8:00am–5:00pm
Appts. also welcome after hours.
Sat: OPEN for appts. only*
Sun: OPEN for appts. only*
* Call during the week to set-up.

Why Is Granite Countertop Better Than Laminate?

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Most homes, unless they were altered by you, came with standard laminate countertops. While laminate countertops are perfectly fine for the money, many homeowners are switching from laminate to granite. If this isn’t something you have considered, then you should know why granite countertops are a good investment for homeowners.

First of all, the biggest reason why granite countertops are gaining in popularity so much is because they are such a durable, long-lasting solution. While granite does come with the higher price tag when compared with laminate, it is essentially permanent; unless you are intentionally destructive or extraordinarily careless, you will never need to replace your granite countertop. There is very little that can damage granite; it resists damage from heat, cold, scratching, and is not very porous, so it even resists staining remarkably well. On the other hand, laminate is very easily scratched and stained, and is even susceptible to damage from moisture.

Granite is also beautiful and more versatile than many people think. Typically, slabs are available in a wide variety of colors and styles, so it can fit into every type of home decor. Different granite varieties do tend to have different levels of durability and stain-resistance, however whichever granite slab you end up installing will still be vastly more durable and beautiful than the old laminate.

Granite is a great choice for homeowners who plan to be in their homes long term, but it is also an excellent choice for those looking to sell. In fact, many homes on the market already have them installed. And while this shouldn’t put pressure on those who truly can’t afford remodels, it should motivate those who can. Homes without extensive or at least recent kitchen remodels are unlikely to attract much attention in a highly competitive market. Conversely, remodels do attract attention, and you may find that granite countertops can change the resale value of a home by more than it cost to install them, especially if there is proof that they are brand new and have never suffered any type of damage.

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BRACKETS ARE SET – TAKE THE SHOT! Every retail customer who contracts with us during March Madness 3/19 - 4/5 will be in our Amanzi Bracket and have A SHOT at winning the GRAND PRIZE ON MONDAY 4/8/2024.


Out With The Old And In With The New!

Amanzi Marble & Granite 2024 Kickoff Sale

$224 Off Any Retail Project OR A New Kitchen Sink*

January 3 – February 29th
Use Code: Amanzi-3399

*Amanzi 50/50 Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink while quantities last

closed on Labor Day

Amanzi will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 4th.

Enjoy your holiday weekend.
We look forward to seeing you during regular business hours, Tuesday, September 5th – Friday September 8th.