amanzi marble and granite

Contact Us

(336) 993-9998
703 Park Lawn Ct.
Kernersville, NC 27284
Mon–Fri: 8:00am–5:00pm
Appts. also welcome after hours.
Sat: OPEN for appts. only*
Sun: OPEN for appts. only*
* Call during the week to set-up.

What Are Solid Surface Countertops?

You’ve probably heard a lot about the different natural stone countertop materials available, like marble, travertine, and granite countertops. These are easy to understand – natural materials taken from the ground and processed into attractive stone countertops. And most people are also familiar with more budget options like laminate.

But then there’s a curveball thrown in there – solid surface countertops. This is another popular material for bathroom and kitchen countertops, but the vague name often has people confused about what it is and whether or not it’s a good choice for their home. Let’s look into what solid surface countertops are along with its pros and cons.

What does solid surface mean?

Solid surface was introduced as somewhat of a compromise between natural stone and laminate. Made to resemble natural stone as closely as possible, solid surface is a harder and more stable product than laminate and is without the porosity of natural stone. It is a synthetic material made from plastic resins, such as polyester, acrylic, or epoxy. It also contains pigments to form the different colors and styles of the material, and may also contain dust from natural stones and minerals such as marble.

The pros of solid surface countertops

As the name suggests, this material is solid, making it a fairly durable option for your countertops. The solid nature also refers to the fact that a slab of this material is the same throughout, rather than being made up of different material layers like laminate. The benefit of this is that you can refinish your countertops and sand out chips or scratches without affecting the appearance of the surface.

A benefit of solid surface over natural stone is that it is non-porous. This means that spilled liquids won’t soak into the surface and cause stains or etches. Its non-porous nature also makes it a hygienic surface for preparing food on as it won’t absorb bacteria, making it easy to clean.

The cons of solid surface countertops

Solid surface is a common compromise for people looking for a more affordable option than natural stone countertops. However, the difference in price is often negligible, with Home Advisor putting the average costs of granite and solid surface countertops at almost identical levels. And although solid surface does a good job at imitating stones like granite and quartz, you can tell the difference when you are close to the surface. It is also less tough and durable than stone, making it easier to scratch or dent.

Whether you’re looking for solid surface or natural stone, Amanzi can help you design the kitchen or bathroom countertops of your dreams. Get in touch for our design or installation services in Kernersville, Winston Salem, Greensboro, and High Point.

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amanzi granite, Greensboro, NC
amanzi granite, Winston Salem, NC
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quartz slabs, Kernersville, NC
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white quartz countertops, Winston Salem, NC
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marble backsplash, Winston Salem, NC
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stone backsplash, Greensboro, NC
stone backsplash, Winston Salem, NC
stone backsplash, High Point, NC
stone backsplash, Kernersville, NC
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stone countertops, Kernersville, NC
stone countertops, Greensboro, NC
stone countertops, Winston Salem, NC
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white granite countertops, Winston Salem, NC
white granite countertops, High Point, NC
white granite countertops, Kernersville, NC
white granite countertops, Kernersville, NC
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white marble countertops, Kernersville, NC
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white quartz countertops, Greensboro, NC
white quartz countertops, Kernersville, NC
white quartz countertops, Winston Salem, NC
white quartz countertops, Greensboro, NC
white quartz countertops, High Point, NC

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amanzi marble and granite

Happy Thanksgiving

from our family to yours

We will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 28th and 29th, but our website is always open!" 

$100 OFF any Outdoor Living Area Project

register to win a BBQ Grill & Granite Firepit
Valid through 8.30.2024

Happy 4th of July!

AMANZI will be closed July 4th and 5th and will reopen on Monday, July 8th.


BRACKETS ARE SET – TAKE THE SHOT! Every retail customer who contracts with us during March Madness 3/19 - 4/5 will be in our Amanzi Bracket and have A SHOT at winning the GRAND PRIZE ON MONDAY 4/8/2024.


Out With The Old And In With The New!

Amanzi Marble & Granite 2024 Kickoff Sale

$224 Off Any Retail Project OR A New Kitchen Sink*

January 3 – February 29th
Use Code: Amanzi-3399

*Amanzi 50/50 Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink while quantities last

closed on Labor Day

Amanzi will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 4th.

Enjoy your holiday weekend.
We look forward to seeing you during regular business hours, Tuesday, September 5th – Friday September 8th.