If you’ve invested in granite countertops, you have made a beautiful and long-lasting purchase that will enhance the appearance and function of your kitchen. Now, how do you keep those countertops looking as great as they did the day they were installed?
1. Avoid the Hot and Heavy.
Yes, granite is durable, but extreme weight and heat, especially over a prolonged time, can still take their toll. Don’t stand, sit, or walk on your countertops, and use a trivet or coaster for hot-off-the stove pots and pans, especially when they’ll be sitting out for a long time.
2. Clean Gently.
For everyday cleaning, all you need is a soft cloth or sponge, water, and a mild dish detergent. No harsh chemicals or special equipment needed.
3. Avoid Acids.
Both cleaners and foods with acidic elements can pose a danger to your countertops, especially if prolonged exposure occurs.
4. Blot out spots.
When a spill occurs, ignore the urge to wipe and scrub, which can spread the potential stain. Instead, blot and flush with water.
5. Take care with Cleaner.
Don’t pick up just any household cleaner. Choose one with a neutral pH balance—possibly even a cleaner designated for granite.
6. All Stains aren’t Equal.
Take care to discover and remember what caused any spots or stains, because different types of stains call for different removal methods.
7. Apply a Poultice.
For stubborn stains, a mixture of flour or baking soda with a liquid such as soap or water could draw out the stain. Mix until a spreadable texture is reached, then cover the area and leave it there overnight.
8. Status Check.
Take time at least once a year to stop and look over your countertop for any spots, scratches, discoloration, or cracks. Noticing a problem early can help you solve it while it’s small.
9. Test your Seal.
Along with the above inspection, sprinkle some water on the granite to see if its seal is still in tact. If the water beads, the seal is still working to prevent substances from sinking into the granite quickly.
10. Call for Backup.
If you have a question or spot a potential problem with your countertop, don’t hesitate to contact an expert. The fabricator or installer of your countertops is a good place to start to look for knowledgeable help.